The GNOME name and logo, the GTK name and logo, the Flatpak name and the Flathub name are trademarks of the GNOME Foundation. They are valuable assets, and should be used responsibly and in accordance with the following guidelines.
When being used to describe a software product, the GNOME trademarks can only be used in reference to official GNOME software. This is described in the GNOME Foundation official software policy.
The names
Each word mark can be used to refer to the respective project, its activities and products. For example, the word “GNOME” can be used to refer to the GNOME Project or the word “GTK” can be used to refer to the GTK toolkit.
Guidelines on using the names:
- All the letters in “GNOME” and “GTK” should be capitalized. Only the first letter in “Flatpak” and “Flathub” should be capitalized.
- Names can be used as a generic name or as an adjective when describing project activities and products. Don’t use them as a noun or verb.
- Don’t modify the words or compound it with other words.
The GNOME Logo

The GNOME logo should be used as provided, in either the horizontal or vertical orientation. It can be resized, although you should ensure that the letters remain legible. The aspect ratio must be preserved.
Always ensure that the logo is:
- clearly distinguishable
- black or white, depending on the background color (other colors are not permitted)
- not embedded within other images or graphics.
- horizontal or vertical – it should not be rotated.
- clearly separated from surrounding images, by following the clearance guidelines:

Source files:
Third Party Usage
Third parties may use the GNOME name to make true factual statements about the GNOME project and its products. In doing so, they should not state or imply that the GNOME Project produces, endorses, or supports them, their products and/or services, unless they have explicit written permission to do so.
The GNOME name should be identified as a registered trademark using the “circled-R” symbol — ®.
If you are a third party and want to use the GNOME logo, you must first must obtain written permission from the GNOME Foundation.
Additional legal guidelines can be found in the Trademark Usage Guidelines for Third Parties.
If you are in any doubt about the use of the GNOME trademarks, or if you want to obtain permission to use them, please contact the GNOME Foundation.