GNOME Boston Summit 2014 starts tomorrow

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  GNOME Summit 2014 starts tomorrow. The GNOME Summit is an annual gathering of contributors from around the world that features three-days of discussion and working sessions. After the last summit, held in Montreal it's this year back in Boston. Scheduled topics include: Wayland, App development, Privacy and the GNOME Continuous build system.…

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GNOME 3.14 Video Published

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With GNOME 3.14 just released, the GNOME project has published a video that demos the new GNOME version. The short film is a great way to learn about the new features - and see some of the attention to detail - in the new release. As always, more details can be found…

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GNOME 3.14 Released

  • Post category:News GNOME 3.14, the latest version of GNOME 3, has been released. Announcing the new version, Matthias Clasen said: “This is another exciting release for GNOME, and brings many new features and improvements.” The new release is the result of six months’ work by the GNOME project, and includes 28,859 changes by…

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GNOME 3.14 Released: A Refined Experience

Orinda, CA– The GNOME Project is proud to announce the release of GNOME 3.14 today. This milestone release in the GNOME 3 series brings exciting new features, bug fixes, and an enhanced application development platform. Major new features include automatic handling for captive portals, network-aware sharing, Google photos support, and touchscreen gestures.…

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Call for GNOME.Asia Summit 2015 Host Proposals

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The GNOME.Asia Committee is inviting interested parties to submit proposals for hosting the GNOME.Asia during the 2nd quarter of 2015. The GNOME.Asia Summit is the featured annual GNOME Conference in Asia. The event focuses primarily on the GNOME desktop, but also covers applications and the development platform tools. It brings together the…

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GUADEC 2014, In Pictures

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GUADEC 2014 ended last week, and we've put together a gallery of images from the conference. Thanks again to the conference organisers, as well as all our sponsors, for making this fantastic event possible. Many thanks to Garrett LeSage, Jakub Steiner, Hylke Bons and Allan Day for the photos.

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GUADEC 2014 Core Days Finish

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The main part of GUADEC 2014, the premier annual GNOME conference, has just ended in Strasbourg, France. The core days are made up of talks, keynote presentations, as well as the GNOME Foundation Annual General Meeting. The GUADEC core days have been packed with exciting, interesting talks. There were presentations on important…

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First day of GUADEC 2014 wraps up in Strasbourg, France

  • Post category:EventsNews

The first day of this year's GUADEC conference has wrapped up in Strasbourg, France. As usual, there were lots of fond reunions for long-standing contributors, as well as new faces who got their first chance to meet fellow GNOME contributors face-to-face. In the morning, Jim Hall gave a well-received keynote on his…

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