Happy 15th Birthday GNOME!!

  • Post category:EventsNews

Fifteen years ago today the GNOME Project was announced by Miguel de Icaza and Federico Mena Quintero. We've put up a special website today to help celebrate all those years of software freedom at: http://www.happybirthdaygnome.org - we hope you will come take a stroll down memory lane with us!

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GUADEC 2012 Call for Participation

  • Post category:EventsNews

February 28, 2012: A Coruña, Spain. A public Call for Participation has officially opened for the 2012 GNOME Users And Developers European Conference (GUADEC) conference. Grupo de Programadores y Usuarios de Linux (GPUL), this year's organizers of the event, anticipate a wide range of speakers and hundreds of participants to once again…

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