Linux Application Summit 2019 about to start in Barcelona The GNOME Foundation is very excited that Linux Application Summit 2019 is about to start in Barcelona, Spain. Linux App Summit 2019 (or LAS) is a joint collaboration between GNOME and KDE which will feature 3 days of talks from prominent members of the Linux developer community from Tuesday 12th November…

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GNOME files defense against patent troll

Orinda, CA - 2019/10/21 Image from Marco Verch is available under cc-by-2.0. A month ago, GNOME was hit by a patent troll for developing the Shotwell image management application. It's the first time a free software project has been targeted in this way, but we worry it won't be the last. Rothschild Patent Imaging, LLC offered to let…

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GNOME opens recruitment to support Coding Education Challenge

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Orinda, CA. Today, October 18th 2019, the GNOME Foundation has announced two positions it is recruiting for to help drive the GNOME project and Free Software on the desktop. As previously announced, this is in support of our Coding Education Challenge, as well as the project more generally. The Foundation is currently…

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GNOME Shell 2019 Hackfest concludes in Leidschendam Netherlands

The GNOME Shell 2019 Hackfest which took place in Leidschendam, Netherlands have concluded. During the Hackfest various discussions was held and work was done to improve Wayland integration with GNOME Shell, mixed DPI densities, Xwayland-on-demand, and more! Thanks go out to the Revspace Hackerspace for the venue. Reports from the Hackfest is…

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GNOME Asia Summit 2019 to take place this weekend in Gresik, Indonesia

GNOME Asia Summit 2019 will take place this weekend in Gresik, Indonesia. The main focus is primarily on the GNOME desktop, but also applications and platform development tools are covered. The summit brings together the GNOME community in Asia to provide a forum for users, developers, foundation leaders, governments and businesses to…

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GNOME Foundation facing lawsuit from Rothschild Patent Imaging

The GNOME Foundation has been made aware of a lawsuit from Rothschild Patent Imaging, LLC over patent 9,936,086. Rothschild allege that Shotwell, a free and open source personal photo manager infringes this patent. Neil McGovern, Executive Director for the GNOME Foundation says "We have retained legal counsel and intend to vigorously defend…

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GNOME.Asia Summit 2019 Registration is now open

We're excited to announce that the Registration for GNOME Asia Summit 2019 is now open at Asia Summit 2019 which will take place between 13-14th  October in Gresik, Indonesia.  The main focus is primarily on the GNOME desktop, but also applications and platform development tools are covered. The summit brings together…

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GNOME 3.34 Released

The latest version of GNOME 3 has been released today. Version 3.34 contains six months of work by the GNOME community and includes many improvements, performance improvements and new features. Check out our release video at! Highlights from this release include visual refreshes for a number of applications, including the desktop…

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