GNOME.ASIA 2020 Call for Papers are now Open!

GNOME.Asia Summit 2020 invites you to participate as a speaker at the conference on the 24th and 26th of November 2020 by submitting your abstract. GNOME.Asia Summit is the featured annual GNOME conference in Asia. It focuses primarily on the GNOME desktop, and also covers applications and platform development tools. The Summit…

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GNOME 3.38 Released

The latest version of GNOME 3 has been released today. Version 3.38 contains six months of work by the GNOME community and, as always, includes many new features and performance improvements. Watch the release video here. This release showcases a new Tour application, highlighting the main functionality of the desktop and providing…

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Neil McGovern to Keynote at Open Source Summit Europe

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GNOME Foundation Executive Director Neil McGovern will deliver a keynote at Open Source Summit Europe.  In the talk "Patently Obvious: The Year Open Source Got Sued", Neil McGovern will discuss the GNOME Foundation’s triumphant legal settlement with Rothschild Patent Imaging, a non-practicing entity. In September 2019, Rothschild Patent Imaging alleged that GNOME…

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GNOME Welcomes Two Technical Writers from Season of Docs

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GNOME is participating in another round of Google Season of Docs! We have a long history of mentoring and outreach, and consider Season of Docs to be a continuation of those efforts. Season of Docs was started by Google in 2019 to bring technical writers and free and open source projects together. Projects will allow writers…

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GUADEC starts today!

GUADEC starts today, July 22nd! GUADEC is the main GNOME conference, bringing together users and enthusiasts from all over the world. GUADEC 2020 takes place online. This GUADEC will feature an exciting set of speakers and sessions, which will bring you the latest news and updates about the project; introductions to open…

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GitLab is a GUADEC 2020 Silver Sponsor

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GitLab is joining GUADEC as a Silver Sponsor. Several years ago GNOME made the move to use GitLab for managing contributions including everything from conference organizing to code. GitLab provided invaluable support during this process. They continue to be there for the GNOME community with their Silver Sponsorship of GUADEC 2020. GitLab…

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Announcing openSUSE as a Silver Sponsor for GUADEC

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OpenSUSE has joined GUADEC as a Silver Sponsor! OpenSUSE creates a Linux distribution and supports a community of contributors developing tools. OpenSUSE, another longtime supporter of GUADEC, has joined us in many cities across Europe and Asia, with their sponsorships of GNOME.Asia. They continue to support GNOME and the GNOME community as…

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