A Conversation with Dirk Hohndel, Desktop Summit keynote speaker

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Continuing our series of interviews with Desktop Summit keynote speakers, William Carlson spoke to Dirk Hohndel, Intel's Chief Linux and Open Source Technologist, about the relationship between business and Open Source. Interesting insights from a hacker-turned-businessman with a track record in the Linux kernel and XFree86. On whether Open Source is a…

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Call for Participation: Workshops and BoFs at the Desktop Summit 2011

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The Desktop Summit 2011 is a joint conference organised by the GNOME and KDE communities in Berlin,  Germany from the 6th August 2011 to the 12th August 2011. Held annually in cities around Europe, GUADEC and Akademy are the world’s largest gatherings of those involved with the free desktop or mobile user interfaces. Developers, artists, translators, community organisers, users, and representatives from government, education, and businesses and anyone else who shares an interest are welcome. GNOME and KDE are Free Software communities that drive the user interfaces of many GNU/Linux-powered devices, ranging from smartphones to laptops, or personal media centers. This year, for the second time, both communities have decided to organise a single, joint conference expecting over a thousand participants, covering both projects as well as related technologies.

Not Just Presentations

The Desktop Summit will have an exciting program of talks). But the most important part of the conference are the Workshop & BoF days. This is the part of the conference where the participants get together to discuss and work on the future of the Free Desktop. It is where the latest technology is demonstrated in a one-to-few setting and where decisions are made. The organisation committee would like to schedule as many of these sessions beforehand as possible. We expect over 1000 visitors and scheduling helps to ensure minimal overlap with other sessions and allows us to provide a clear timetable for the visitors. The remainder of the rooms will be scheduled via the wiki but we urge you all to try and get a proposal in before the deadline! We realize that many sessions are meant to be about current and urgent topics so we don’t expect proposals to have an exact agenda, nor do we mind if the subject changes later on. (more…)

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Interview with Desktop Summit keynote, Thomas Thwaites

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Desktop Summit keynote speaker Thomas Thwaites gave an interview to us recently, covering a wide range of subjects. Thomas, who launched the Toaster Project in 2008, explores the relationship between technology, design and society. This interview is a sneak peek into the kinds of subjects that he is interested in. Q: What…

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GNOME 3 Photo Competition Results

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Over 140 parties were organized all over the world to celebrate the release of GNOME 3.0. To help capture the moment, we invited people to take photographs of their parties and a competition was held for the best images. The GNOME project received lots of great party photographs, and the competition judges…

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Board of Directors Elections 2011

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GNOME's Membership and Elections Committee has announced 2011's Foundation elections. Members of the GNOME Foundation will have the opportunity to propose themselves for the Board of Directors and to vote on their preferred candidates. The GNOME Foundation's Board of Directors has seven positions; its members work to ensure the effective running of…

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3.2 Feature Planning Underway

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With the 3.0 release behind it, the GNOME project has already set its sights on the next GNOME release. Developers and designers already busy planning which features will be included in GNOME 3.2. The 3.2 feature proposal period is scheduled to last until May 9th 2011. During this time, contributors can propose…

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