GNOME Board of Directors Announced

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ORINDA, CA. The GNOME Foundation welcomes its new Board of Directors for the upcoming 2016 - 2017 term: Alexandre Franke Allan Day Cosimo Cecchi Jim Hall Meg Ford Nuritzi Sanchez Shaun McCance Congratulations! This year we had 253 registered voters, 142 of which sent in valid ballots. Elections ran during the months…

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Call for Participation in the Libre Application Summit sponsored by GNOME

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ORINDA, CA. The GNOME Foundation is pleased to announce the Call for Participation in Libre Application Summit — hosted by GNOME (LAS GNOME). The conference will be held from September 19 - 23 in Portland, Oregon, and brings together developers, entrepreneurs, and FOSS enthusiasts for discussion and debate of the future of Linux…

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Announcing the Debut of LAS GNOME Conference in Portland, OR

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ORINDA, CA. The GNOME Foundation is pleased to announce the Libre Application Summit — hosted by GNOME (LAS GNOME), which will be held on September 19 - 23 in Portland, Oregon. LAS GNOME is a new conference that aims to advance the state of the GNU/Linux application ecosystem by increasing collaboration with…

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GNOME 3.20 Released: Major New Features, Many Refinements

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We are excited to announce the release of GNOME 3.20. This latest version of GNOME 3 is the result of six months of development and includes 28,933 changes, made by approximately 870 contributors. 3.20 has been named “Delhi” in recognition of this year’s GNOME.Asia organizing team. GNOME.Asia is an important annual GNOME…

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GUADEC 2016 to happen from August 12–14 in Karlsruhe, Germany

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We’re happy to announce that the 2016 edition of GUADEC will be held in Karlsruhe, Germany from August 12–14, at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, a world-renowned research and educational institution. Karlsruhe is located in southtwest Germany near the Franco-German border and is nicknamed the "fan city" because its streets are built…

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Remembering Thomas Wood

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It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our friend, Thomas Wood. Commonly known as 'thos' on irc, Thomas was a long time contributor to the GNOME Art project, where he curated GTK+ Themes, backgrounds, login screens, and icons. In later years, he also worked on the control center…

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